
Baker Administration Provides Funding for Health Safety Net in FY2019

Massachusetts has done an exceptional job expanding coverage to the uninsured, but there are still thousands of residents that remain without comprehensive insurance. To protect these individuals and the providers that care for them, the commonwealth continues to rely on the Health Safety Net program. Financing the Health Safety Net has been largely the responsibility of acute care hospitals and insurers and the state over the years has also provided a modest contribution. When there is not sufficient funding in the trust, hospitals alone finance the shortfall. 
Last year’s FY2019 state budget provided for the transfer of up to $15 million in state funding to the Health Safety Net. This month, the Baker Administration fulfilled that transfer, helping to reduce the estimated funding shortfall in the program from $74 million to $59 million. “MHA greatly appreciates the Baker Administration completing the FY2019 transfer, providing needed relief to hospitals across the commonwealth and additional stability to this important program,” said Steve Walsh, MHA’s President & CEO. The FY2020 budget allows for a state transfer of no more than $15 million to the Health Safety Net and MHA continues to advocate that this commitment also be fulfilled to provide added financial support.